Monday, May 10, 2010

Cozier & Trinidad


ey. hello. check this out

these are some pictures of christopher cozier that we made a few weeks ago on a sunday morning.

basically chris needed a more recent photo to use for different things he has coming up - the one he's been using was shot by jeffery chock quite a few years ago.

what i wanted was to try and make something that caught something of chris' personality and, after reading in this article something about him being 'emphatically out of exile', i thought it was fitting to try and make the environment in the photo obviously trinidadian - the hills and trees, the gigantic green parlour doors. to have that quality that old pictures get. the way they let u know 'this is what it looked like then'.

further to that, i think once the sun started coming up and we really got to talking about trinidad, and the way things are and the way things were, it seemed completely the thing to do to capture harsh, dry brown of the hills as some kind of metaphor. 'this is what it looked like then' but also maybe 'the grass is always greener..'

so this is what we caught. one of these (the one with the cat) was published in last thursday's newsday accompanying an article entitled "cozier named official artist of film festival". you can read the full article here. there are also a few others in this flickr set.

take care.







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